Examene autorizate pentru certificarea cunostintelor de limba engleza si germana
Examene autorizate pentru certificarea cunostintelor de limba engleza si germana

    Sectiune Dedicata Pregatirii Lingvistice | Language Preparation Section

Programa evenimentelor educationale EECentre este special creata pentru a impartasi profesorilor cele mai potrivite practici de pregatire a elevilor, corespunzatoare exigentelor impuse examenelor pentru certificarea cunostintelor de limba engleza (Cambridge, Trinity, OET) si de limba germana (ÖSD).

Citeste mai mult »

Aceasta sectiune este dedicata cadrelor didactice, indiferent de natura postului atat la catedra de limba engleza, fie la limba germana: profesor, trainer, mentor, invatator, educator, facilitator.

Rolul de profesor inseamna o continua formare profesionala: actualizarea cunostintelor cu ultimele noutati din domeniul materiei predate, rafinarea modului de predare abordand metode si strategii moderne de predare a limbii engleze sau limbii germane, dezvoltarea abilitatilor specifice pregatirii elevilor pentru sustinerea cu succes a examenelor cu recunoastere internationala.

simbollogoeecentre     Lista workshop-urilor din portofoliul EECentre, care au fost finalizate cu succes

Nume eveniment:

Simulare IELTS Online

Prezentare workshop »


The ONLINE IELTS Mock Test offers you the unique advantage of taking the Writing and Speaking test in the comfort of your own home. We noticed the candidates get lower scores for the productive skills, so we’d like to step in and offer you the opportunity to see what your result will be without taking the official test and spend too much.
You will receive personalised feedback for the two components from an IELTS expert. Please note, the results will be available within 5 working days.

You will need:

-A stable Internet connection
-A quiet room
-The ZOOM App installed on your device
-Pen & Paper






Data sustinere:


Deadline inscriere:




120 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

Early Literacy and Building Competences towards YLE exams

In this presentation we will explore a range of strategies which engage Primary learners with early literacy in English. We will look at the principles of phonographix, letter and phoneme patterns, developing early handwriting, sight-word strategies and developing English spelling strategies. Participants will gain hands-on experience of how we can make the process of learning to read and write in the Primary classroom a truly interactive one as we build learner competences for YLE Exams.

Exam Practice, Exam Training and Exam Awareness-Raising

In this presentation we will look at classroom strategies for optimising the impact of exam practice work in class. We will discuss a range of classroom procedures each related to the core skills areas (Papers) that help teachers to use exam practice material to go beyond just familiarising candidates with exam features and formats and provide a space for effective test-taking strategies to genuinely flourish. We will look at the different roles that exam practice, exam training and exam awareness raising play in an exam preparation learning cycle with particular focus on B1 Preliminary, B2 First and C1 Advanced exams.

Bob Obee has been the Professional Support Leader for Cambridge English in South-East Europe for many years. He has also written many General English and exam titles with Express Publishing and CUP. He has also worked in many regions in the world and worked for major curriculum development projects with Cambridge English in countries such as Malaysia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia.




Bob Obee

Data sustinere:

17.03.2024 (3h)

Deadline inscriere:





120 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

For all the teachers who would like to improve their students’ performance in the FCE and CAE exam Writing Paper or for those who do not know where to start teaching writing in their ESL class or for anyone who wants to diversify their teaching in this area.

Workshop general description:
This workshop is meant to reach those teachers who either are just starting teaching writing in their ESL classroom or have been doing it for a while but find it difficult to improve their students’ exam performance. Either way, the workshop will be a hands-on presentation of the trainer’s experience in teaching writing. We will talk about the basics of writing as well as how to succeed in obtaining high scores in the writing paper of the FCE and CAE exams.

Main topics:

  • Brainstorming techniques

  • The paragraph and its structure

  • Types and structures of essays

  • Assessing your students’ work

Interval orar : 09:30 – 12:15

About the trainer:
Silvia Lipnic – English teacher for 24 years and teacher trainer for more than 10 years, a methodologist with the Inspectorate for about 7 years. She has participated both as a participant and as a presenter in Erasmus+ projects both in Romania and abroad. The latest project taking place in Romania, called “There is always another option” was held in Eforie Sud in June 2023.





Data sustinere:

18.11.2023 (3h)

Deadline inscriere:





0 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

Planning on taking IELTS?

The Official IELTS Pre-test gives future test takers the opportunity to practice in a real test environment with the most adequate exam content. The unique advantage of the IELTS Pre Test is that it will be meticulously assessed by the very same experienced examiners who grade the real IELTS exams.

You will take the Listening, Reading and Writing tests in the actual exam environment, so that you'll feel more at ease and equipped to demonstrate your true abilities when it matters most.

Date: 25th of August
Results: in 5 weeks
Format: Paper-based






Data sustinere:

25.08.2023 (3h)

Deadline inscriere:





150 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

Overview of the workshop:

As teachers, we all know how time consuming lesson planning can be sometimes. We are constantly looking for new activities, fun activities and games that we can use during our lessons. We all have felt, at one point in our careers, the pressure of having fun, engaging lessons for our students. The students’ expectations from us have also gone up in time, due to all the technology around us and the information available online. Thus, lessons nowadays need to combine both traditional activities, but also the use of technology, games and the internet.
This workshop is intended and planned so that everyone can go back to their classes with lots of ideas, games and websites that can be used immediately. We’ll be looking into how to use technology to facilitate and make lesson planning quick and painless, how to use several websites to assign homework that is easy to check or to plan writing lessons that are actually fun for the students, how to create fun, engaging worksheets using technology and also how to use several games during vocabulary and grammar lessons. Learning objectives:
- Participants will be able to discover and test various teaching apps and websites that they can start using immediately during their lessons
- Participants will learn about different games that make English lessons more fun and try some of them during the workshop


Lucia Diaconescu – Partner and Course Coordinator Nativia Learning Center
Lucia Diaconescu has been teaching English for 15 years. She has a university degree in philology and studied English and French language and literature at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
She started her teaching career in 2008, working with pre-school students, and then from 2009 to 2015 she worked in state education, initially as a teacher and then as head of department.
In 2015, she discovered the world of ELT (English Language Teaching), obtained her CELTA, CELTYL and TEACHER TRAINER certificates and became an entrepreneur, being a Senior Language Trainer, Mentor and Teacher Trainer, thus contributing to the training of new generations of teachers.
Lucia teaches English to all ages and levels. She teaches both general and specialized English: business, nursing, Cambridge exams and conversational.
All her students achieved top marks in all the exams they took and felt very comfortable during them.
Over the years, Lucia has been involved in various educational projects, summer camps, thematic workshops, but she was also part of international teams of English teachers who taught and worked with classes of children from various parts of the world in prestigious summer schools in the UK.

Venue: Online - pe platforma ZOOM
Interval orar: 18:30-19:30


Prezentare Profesori


Lucia Diaconescu

Data sustinere:


Deadline inscriere:





0 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

A workshop for busy teachers and successful students

This interactive workshop provides an overview of Trinity GESE Grades 4-6: format, procedure, and assessment. It presents backstage tips & tricks teachers can use to improve learners’ communication skills in a practical and authentic way.

Venue: Online - pe platforma ZOOM

Anda-Ileana Duta has a PhD in Linguistics. She is an EFL, ESP and EAP trainer, and a Speaking Examiner for various international exams. During her 18-year-teaching experience, she has taught learners of all ages in Europe and in the UK. Anda takes great pride in motivating her students to look forward to their next English lesson and exam experience.



Data sustinere:


Deadline inscriere:





200 Lei

Nume eveniment:

Simulare OET Online

Prezentare workshop »

WRITING AND SPEAKING ONLY The ONLINE OET Mock Test offers you the unique advantage of taking the Writing and Speaking test in the comfort of your own home. We noticed the candidates get lower scores for the productive skills, so we’d like to step in and offer you the opportunity to see what your result will be without taking the official test and spend too much.
You will receive personalised feedback for the two components from an OET expert. Please note, the results will be available within 5 working days.

You will need:

-A stable Internet connection
-A quiet room
-The ZOOM App installed on your device
-Pen & Paper






Data sustinere:


Deadline inscriere:




120 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

A workshop for busy teachers and successful students

This interactive workshop provides an overview of Trinity GESE Grades 1-3. It focuses on the can dos of the exam and presents practical speaking activities teachers can use in the classroom to improve learners’ communicative skills as well as to reduce test anxiety. Trinity Grades 1-3 exams address (very) young learners. Since this may be candidates’ first exam experience, they may lack confidence. Engaging students in interactive educational games builds their confidence and facilitates language learning. If you feel there’s always room for more games to add to your play list, or your preparation time is limited, the proposed activities are meant to provide you with some aces up your sleeves.

Venue: Online - pe platforma ZOOM

Anda-Ileana Duta has a PhD in Linguistics. She is an EFL, ESP and EAP trainer, and a Speaking Examiner for various international exams. During her 18-year-teaching experience, she has taught learners of all ages in Europe and in the UK. Anda takes great pride in motivating her students to look forward to their next English lesson and exam experience.



Data sustinere:


Deadline inscriere:





0 Lei

Nume eveniment:

Despre Growth Mindset

Prezentare workshop »

Cum de unii oameni reusesc sa se dezvolte continuu si sa se simta bine în timp ce o fac? Iar altii, desi au succes, traiesc cu teama ca lumea va descoperi ca ei nu sunt atât de inteligenti, capabili sau priceputi precum par? Si ce efect au pe termen lung convingeri precum: Daca gresesc este pentru ca sunt prost, Am talent – sau ... N-am talent!, Nu sunt bun la calcule, N-o sa pot niciodata sa fac asa ceva? Daca gresesc este pentru ca sunt prost, Am talent – sau ... N-am talent!, Nu sunt bun la calcule, N-o sa pot niciodata sa fac asa ceva?

Mentalitatea noastra determina modul în care interpretam succesele si esecurile. Ea influenteaza felul în care ne percepem propriile experiente si determina modul în care reactionam la ele din punct de vedere mental, emotional, cognitiv si comportamental. Douazeci de ani de cercetare au surprins impactul puternic pe care mentalitatea îl are asupra performantei, învatarii, implicarii, rezilientei si leadershipului.

Vino la atelierul condus de Sandra Jitianu si descopera:

  • Ce anume defineste o mentalitate de crestere;
  • Cum sa te raportezi la dificultati sau esecuri pentru a le transforma în oportunitati;
  • Ce sa faci pentru a-ti fortifica mentalitatea de crestere;
  • O serie de idei practice pentru a o declansa atunci când ai nevoie de ea;
  • Cum putem încuraja mentalitatea de crestere în lucrul cu copiii si elevii.

Interval orar : 9:30-11:00;

Despre Trainer:
Sandra Jitianu is a management consultant, trainer and performance coach with functional expertise in HR and change management. She is also a lecturer of Human Resources at Bucharest International School of Management. She has 14+ years' experience delivering transformation projects to over 50 clients ranging from large international companies to local entrepreneurs in industries like IT and engineering, financial services, professional services, manufacturing, utilities and retail. Find out more about her.


Dezvoltare personala


Sandra Jitianu

Data sustinere:


Deadline inscriere:





0 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

Daca ti-ar spune cineva: “Ai cinci minute sa ma convingi de orice vrei tu”, cum si ce i-ai spune?
Participa la workshop-ul BISM - Bucharest International School of Management pentru a descoperi modele si tactici de persuasiune. Laura Lazarescu, Managing Partner la BISM te va ajuta sa convingi pe oricine de proiectul, businessul sau ideea ta.
La finalul evenimentului vei primi un certificat care iti va atesta participarea in cadrul unui workshop autentic despre pitching. Cu alte cuvinte, CV-ul tau iti va fi recunoscator. Workshop-ul va fi in limba engleza.

Venue: Sediul BISM, Bd. Dacia, Nr. 99

Laura Lazarescu este Managing Partner la BISM - Bucharest International School of Management. Lucreaza de peste 12 ani in domeniul educatiei, ca intraprenor. De mai bine de 10 ani coordoneaza echipe, lanseaza sau dezvolta proiecte, cat si programe educationale. A absolvit Facultatea de Drept si Stiite Administrative si a urmat programul de Executive MBA al Maastricht School of Management Romania, curenta BISM. In ultimii ani, a predat module de Gandire Critica la mai multe scoli de business din Romania. Are o pasiune pentru dezbateri, pitching si public speaking.


Dezvoltare personala


Laura Lazarescu

Data sustinere:


Deadline inscriere:





0 Lei

Prezentare workshop »


Data: 23.Oct.2022
Interval orar: 14:00-15:30
Locatie: Sediul BISM, Bd. Dacia, Nr. 99

Cu totii comunicam, dar putini stabilim relatii de încredere cu partenerii nostri: fie elevi, parinti, colegi, parteneri de viata. În aceste interactiuni exista proces continuu de negociere, persuasiune, empatie, gandire critica, gestionare a conflictelor. Toate aceste concepte vor fi abordate teoretic, dar mai ales practic în cadrul Workshop-ului “ARTA PERSUASIUNII ÎN EDUCATIE”.

  • Abordam mai întai motivele potentiale ale celuilalt de a spune NU, înainte de a prezenta beneficiile ofertei noastre.
  • Structuram fiecare afirmatie punand accent pe celalalt.
*Pare usor, dar suntem în mod natural înclinati sa folosim pentru celalalt argumentele care ne-au convins în primul rand pe NOI.
Cand ne confruntam cu o opinie opusa, trebuie sa ne prezentam punctul de vedere astfel încat partenerul de conversatie sa îl accepte mai usor. Acest proces include tehnici din dezbaterea formala, dar se concentreaza si pe empatie si fair-play. In plus, vom analiza fenomenul de gandire critica observand ca nu este utila doar pentru analiza informatiilor primite, ci este si cruciala pentru structurarea informatiilor trimise atunci cand încercam sa ne exprimam convingerile.

Participantii vor fi mai bine pregatiti sa înteleaga mecanismul delicat de persuasiune, sa înteleaga disputa ca un proces de învatare, sa se puna în pielea celuilalt si, eventual, sa convinga mai bine partenerul de conversatie.

Radu Atanasiu este decan asociat pentru Afaceri Academice la Bucharest International School of Management, BISM.
Radu Atanasiu este, de asemenea, lector BISM de Thinking and Deciding in Business. Preda pentru Executive MBA, Programul de Fast Track Management si programele de licenta. Radu a predat si la Maastricht pentru MBA si la Amsterdam pentru programele de licenta. Cartea sa, Gandire critica pentru manageri, a fost publicata în 2021 de Springer Verlag. Puteti citi mai multe despre el, aici https://bism.ro/the-faculty/


Dezvoltare personala


Radu Atanasiu

Data sustinere:


Deadline inscriere:





0 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

Where? – Chisinau
When? – 16th of October
The location will be communicated later.

EXAM: Cambridge B2 & C1
The workshop targets English teachers preparing candidates for B2 and C1 Cambridge exams. We will focus on the writing paper, discuss the format, and how to, successfully, prepare candidates for it.
  • Where/How you should start the preparation?

  • Expected issues/challenges;

  • Sorting out writing stages and how to tackle them;

  • Hands on activities.

Silvia Lipnic – has been an English teacher for 23 years, trainer, member in the national team of examiners and a Cambridge speaking examiner since 2014.

EXAM: IELTS (Academic)
Addressed to teachers who are willing to prepare students for the IELTS test (Academic Module), 0-5 years of experience in English exam preparation; experienced teachers who would like to improve their teaching/assessing methods.
  • Teacher’s approach to Task 2

  • Applying Assessment Standards (working with official descriptors)

  • Hands on activities.

Liliana Ibraimof – English teacher and teacher trainer, Managing Partner and Director of Studies at ILSE Bucharest, private language centre. In more than 25 years of active teaching, she has helped more than 3,000 students achieve their goals. She holds a Cambridge C2 Proficiency language certificate and 2 international qualifications: CELTA (2014, Oxford) and DELTA (2019, Sofia). Liliana is Cambridge Speaking Examiner and Team Leader for Cambridge Speaking Examiners (European Examinations Centre) since 2011 and IELTS examiner since 2020.



Data sustinere:


Deadline inscriere:





0 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

Where? – Bucharest
When? – 9th of October
The location will be communicated later.

EXAM: Cambridge B2 & C1
The workshop targets English teachers preparing candidates for B2 and C1 Cambridge exams. We will focus on the writing paper, discuss the format, and how to, successfully, prepare candidates for it.
  • Where/How you should start the preparation?

  • Expected issues/challenges;

  • Sorting out writing stages and how to tackle them;

  • Hands on activities.

Silvia Lipnic – has been an English teacher for 23 years, trainer, member in the national team of examiners and a Cambridge speaking examiner since 2014.

EXAM: IELTS (Academic)
Addressed to teachers who are willing to prepare students for the IELTS test (Academic Module), 0-5 years of experience in English exam preparation; experienced teachers who would like to improve their teaching/assessing methods.
  • Teacher’s approach to Task 2

  • Applying Assessment Standards (working with official descriptors)

  • Hands on activities.

Liliana Ibraimof – English teacher and teacher trainer, Managing Partner and Director of Studies at ILSE Bucharest, private language centre. In more than 25 years of active teaching, she has helped more than 3,000 students achieve their goals. She holds a Cambridge C2 Proficiency language certificate and 2 international qualifications: CELTA (2014, Oxford) and DELTA (2019, Sofia). Liliana is Cambridge Speaking Examiner and Team Leader for Cambridge Speaking Examiners (European Examinations Centre) since 2011 and IELTS examiner since 2020.



Data sustinere:


Deadline inscriere:





0 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

Workshop-ul vine in ajutorul profesorilor de limba engleza care pregatesc sau doresc sa inceapa sa pregateasca studenti/candidati pentru examenul IELTS (se va aborda sectiunea de writing task 2, eseu)

Durata: 1 h

Continut workshop:

  • Formatul probei de scris (Task 2, essay) si cum poate fi abordat pentru a obtine un scor bun

  • Diferente intre cele doua tipuri de test (computer sau paper based), avantaje si dezavantaje;

  • Evaluarea eseului (cum sa intelegem si sa aplicam criteriile oficiale);

  • Ce material este potrivit pentru pregatire

Locatie: World Education Fair, Radisson Blue Hotel

Despre trainer: Trainer: Liliana Ibraimof – Profesor de engleză și formator de profesori, Managing Partner și Director de Studii pentru ILSE București, centru privat de limbi străine. În mai mult de 25 de ani de predare activă, ea a ajutat peste 3.000 de studenți să-și atingă obiectivele. Deține un certificat de limbă Cambridge C2 Proficiency și 2 calificari internationale: CELTA (2014, Oxford) și DELTA (2019, Sofia)



Data sustinere:

24.09.2022 (1h)

Deadline inscriere:





0 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

Scrierea unui eseu este riguroasa si provocatoare, chiar si pentru elevii cei mai buni. Ca si în cazul altor abilitati, scrierea eseurilor se dezvolta si se imbunatateste in timp. "Assessing Writing" este modulul care se axeaza pe evaluarea produsului final al primului modul si anume eseul. Se vor discuta criteriile de evaluare si diferentele intre constructia unui eseu de nivel B2 si constructia unui eseu de nivel C1. Diferite tipuri de eseuri se vor analiza si evalua, pentru a se demonstra, intelege si practica modul efectiv de realizare a evaluarii eseurilor, iar rezultatele vor fi pe intelesul tuturor prin cazuistica exersata impreuna cu Lectorul.

La finalul workshopului „Assessing Essay Writing”, participantii vor putea:

  • sa evalueze un eseu conform standardelor Cambridge;

  • sa diferentieze un eseu de nivel B2 de un eseu de nivel C1.

Orar workshop:
  • 09:30 – 10:00 = Inregistrarea participantilor (30 minute)

  • 10:00 – 10:30 = Inregistrarea participantilor (30 minute)

  • 10:30 – 12:30 = Workshop - Partea 1 (120 minute)

  • 12:30 – 13:00 = Coffee Break (30 minute)

  • 13:00 – 15:00 = Workshop - Partea 2 (120 minute)

Locatie: Locatie: Va fi comunicată ulterior pe email.





Data sustinere:

18.09.2022 (4h)

Deadline inscriere:





200 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

Target Audience (who can attend): candidates who are willing to take this test in the near future and want an objective opinion about their performance, and / or candidates who are already registered for the exam. Limited number of places available.

General Description: interactive workshop, with practical application, in which students will find out:

  • what types of tasks to expect in the exam day
  • how to prepare further
  • useful tips and tricks
English language level required: minimum B1 (intermediate). For higher bands, additional language preparation may be required.
Trainer: Liliana Ibraimof – English Teacher and teacher trainer, Managing Partner and Director of Studies for ILSE Bucharest, a private language centre. In more than 25 years of active teaching, she has helped more than 3,000 students to achieve their goals. She holds a language certificate (Cambridge C2 Proficiency) and teaching qualifications: CELTA (2014, Oxford) and DELTA (2019, Sofia).



Data sustinere:


Deadline inscriere:





0 Lei

Nume eveniment:

Simulare IELTS 11.04

Prezentare workshop »

The IELTS Mock Test will replicate the test day atmosphere, procedures, and exam questions in order for test takers to familiarize themselves with the IELTS test.

The unique advantage of the Mock Test is that candidates receive personalized feedback for Writing and Speaking from an IELTS expert. The results will be available within 5 days.





Data sustinere:


Deadline inscriere:






Prezentare workshop »

Target Audience (who can attend): candidates who are willing to take this test in the near future and want an objective opinion about their performance, and / or candidates who are already registered for the exam. Limited number of places available.

General Description: interactive workshop, with practical application, in which students will find out:

  • what types of tasks to expect in the exam day
  • how to prepare further
  • useful tips and tricks
English language level required: minimum B1 (intermediate). For higher bands, additional language preparation may be required.
Trainer: Liliana Ibraimof – English Teacher and teacher trainer, Managing Partner and Director of Studies for ILSE Bucharest, a private language centre. In more than 25 years of active teaching, she has helped more than 3,000 students to achieve their goals. She holds a language certificate (Cambridge C2 Proficiency) and teaching qualifications: CELTA (2014, Oxford) and DELTA (2019, Sofia).



Data sustinere:


Deadline inscriere:





0 Lei

Nume eveniment:

Simulari OSD

Prezentare workshop »

La EECentre, ziua de 2 aprilie 2022 este dedicata organizarii simularilor de tip PAPER-BASED pentru urmatoarele niveluri lingvistice:

  • Kid A1= 4 probe= 120 lei
  • Kid A2= 4 probe= 130 lei
  • B1 Jugendliche= 4 probe= 150 lei

Verificarea cunostintelor la limba germana prin intermediul unei simulari de examen OSD, ajuta candidatii:
  • sa se familiarizeze cu atmosfera de la examenul oficial,
  • sa se obisnuiasca cu dificultatea exercitiilor,
  • sa isi gestioneze eficient emotiile,
  • sa se incadreze corect in timpul alocat probelor,
  • sa identifice minusurile in asimilarea anumitor cunostinte sau la anumite probe.

Locatie Simulare: sediul EECentre - Bucuresti, Str. Sfintii Voievozi, Nr. 65, Cladirea JUPITER HOUSE (parter), Sector 1.

Program Simulare: Orarul se anunta pe email catre fiecare candidat in parte, cu cca. 3-5 zile inainte de ziua pretestarii.





Data sustinere:


Deadline inscriere:






Nume eveniment:

Simulari OET

Prezentare workshop »

EECentre organizes on April 3rd, 2022 an OET mock test at its headquarters in Bucharest (RO).

  • All sub-tests (including Speaking) will be held on the same day.
  • The candidates will receive for each of them a result of type A, B or C.
  • The aimed professions are MEDICINE and NURSING.





Data sustinere:


Deadline inscriere:






Nume eveniment:


Prezentare workshop »

In cadrul unui program de pregatire la limba engleza, ce are ca scop absolvirea unui examen Cambridge, participarea la o sesiune de simulare este esentiala (pre-testare / mock exam).

La EECentre, ziua de 2 aprilie 2022 este dedicata organizarii simularilor de tip PAPER-BASED pentru urmatoarele niveluri lingvistice:

  • YLE: Pre-A1 Starters; A1 Movers; A2 Flyers = 3 probe = 50 lei;
  • KET: A2 Key for Schools = 3 probe = 120 lei;
  • PET: B1 Preliminary for Schools = 4 probe = 130 lei;
  • FCE: B2 First for Schools = 4 probe = 140 lei;
  • CAE: C1 Advanced = 4 probe = 150 lei;
  • CPE: C2 Proficiency = 4 probe = 170 lei.

Verificarea cunostintelor la limba engleza prin intermediul unei simulari de examen Cambridge, ajuta candidatii:
  • sa se familiarizeze cu atmosfera de la examenul oficial,
  • sa se obisnuiasca cu dificultatea exercitiilor,
  • sa isi gestioneze eficient emotiile,
  • sa se incadreze corect in timpul alocat probelor,
  • sa identifice minusurile in asimilarea anumitor cunostinte sau la anumite probe.

Dupa simulare si pana la data examenului Cambridge, orice candidat isi poate concentra pregatirea in zona identificata “mai slaba”, astfel incat prestatia la examen sa fie imbunatatita si implicit rezultatul final.

Locatie simulare: sediul EECentre - Bucuresti, Str. Sfintii Voievozi, Nr. 65, Cladirea JUPITER HOUSE (parter), Sector 1.

Program simulare: Orarul se anunta pe email catre fiecare candidat in parte, cu cca. 3-5 zile inainte de ziua pretestarii.

Vrei sa fii pregatit pentru examenul de engleza ce urmeaza sa-l sustii pentru obtinerea prestigiosului certificat Cambridge? Obisnuieste-te cu experienta de examen! Vino la simularea potrivita!





Data sustinere:


Deadline inscriere:






Nume eveniment:

Simulare IELTS 21.03

Prezentare workshop »

The IELTS Mock Test will replicate the test day atmosphere, procedures, and exam questions in order for test takers to familiarize themselves with the IELTS test.

The unique advantage of the Mock Test is that candidates receive personalized feedback for Writing and Speaking from an IELTS expert. The results will be available within 5 days.





Data sustinere:


Deadline inscriere:






Prezentare workshop »

Target Audience (who can attend): candidates who are willing to take this test in the near future and want an objective opinion about their performance, and / or candidates who are already registered for the exam. Limited number of places available.

General Description: interactive workshop, with practical application, in which students will find out:

  • what types of tasks to expect in the exam day
  • how to prepare further
  • useful tips and tricks
English language level required: minimum B1 (intermediate). For higher bands, additional language preparation may be required.
Trainer: Liliana Ibraimof – English Teacher and teacher trainer, Managing Partner and Director of Studies for ILSE Bucharest, a private language centre. In more than 25 years of active teaching, she has helped more than 3,000 students to achieve their goals. She holds a language certificate (Cambridge C2 Proficiency) and teaching qualifications: CELTA (2014, Oxford) and DELTA (2019, Sofia).



Data sustinere:


Deadline inscriere:





0 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

Helping your students help themselves to exam success. Cambridge has accelerated its digital offer to make our newest learning materials even more flexible for whatever teaching scenarios arise.
Test&Train is the new mobile-first exam practice tool which allows students to work in their own time but also get the reliable feedback they need to have confidence on exam day. This is included with our newest course books and is also available in a self-study version.
This session will give you a full overview of Test&Train and look at how you can introduce this resource to your students and help them develop skills and strategies to take control, plan, reflect and evaluate upon their learning.

About John Mc Neill:
After completing a CELTA in 1999 John taught in four countries around the world before finally settling in Switzerland. During his teaching career he completed an MA in Education. Since 2008 he has worked for Cambridge in several business development roles and currently focuses on Cambridge Exams.




John Mc Neill

Data sustinere:

20.01.2022 (1h)

Deadline inscriere:





0 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

Scrierea unui eseu este riguroasa si provocatoare, chiar si pentru elevii cei mai buni. Ca si în cazul altor abilitati, scrierea eseurilor se dezvolta si se imbunatateste in timp. "Assessing Writing" este modulul care se axeaza pe evaluarea produsului final al primului modul si anume eseul. Se vor discuta criteriile de evaluare si diferentele intre constructia unui eseu de nivel B2 si constructia unui eseu de nivel C1. Diferite tipuri de eseuri se vor analiza si evalua, pentru a se demonstra, intelege si practica modul efectiv de realizare a evaluarii eseurilor, iar rezultatele vor fi pe intelesul tuturor prin cazuistica exersata impreuna cu Lectorul.

La finalul workshopului „Assessing Essay Writing”, participantii vor putea:

  • sa evalueze un eseu conform standardelor Cambridge;

  • sa diferentieze un eseu de nivel B2 de un eseu de nivel C1.

Orar workshop:
  • 09:00 – 11:00 = Workshop - Partea 1 (120 minute)

  • 11:30 – 13:30 = Workshop - Partea 2 (120 minute)

Locatie: Online - pe platforma ZOOM.





Data sustinere:

22.05.2021 (4h)

Deadline inscriere:





200 Lei

Prezentare workshop »


1. Understanding the scales (descriptors for assessment)
2. Assessing (giving feedback) to your students’ essays
3. Practical ways to make your students write better essays

Orar workshop: 16.00 - 18.00
Locatie: Online - pe platforma ZOOM.



Data sustinere:

10.05.2021 (2h)

Deadline inscriere:





120 Lei

Prezentare workshop »


1. To get familiar with the test format and exam day basics for students/candidates
2. To get familiar with the test materials and course components
3. To learn about the test-taker profiles (General and Academic)

Locatie: Online - pe platforma ZOOM.



Data sustinere:

12.04.2021 (2h)

Deadline inscriere:





0 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

A workshop for busy teachers and successful students

Presentation: This workshop focuses on the can dos of the exam and on motivating and guiding students through exam practice. It covers specifications regarding the format, the procedure and the assessment for Trinity GESE Grade 4. It also presents practical speaking activities teachers can use in the classroom in order to improve learners’communicative skills as well as tips for preparing students develop their topic form.

Locatie: in procesare (se informeaza pe email catre profesorii inscrisi).

Duration: 4 h, including the break and QA session

Workshop Agenda:

  • 09:30 – 10:00 = Registration & Welcome coffee

  • 10:00 – 12:00 = Workshop training (Part 1)

  • 12:00 – 12:15 = Coffee Break

  • 12:15 – 14:00 = Workshop training (Part 2) (including QA session)

Locatie: Sediul EECentre Bucuresti – Str. Sfintii Voievozi, Nr. 65, Sector 1 (PARTER Cladirea Jupiter House).



Data sustinere:

05.04.2020 (4h)

Deadline inscriere:





100 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

Scrierea unui eseu este riguroasa si provocatoare, chiar si pentru elevii cei mai buni. Ca si în cazul altor abilitati, scrierea eseurilor se dezvolta si se imbunatateste in timp. "Assessing Writing" este modulul care se axeaza pe evaluarea produsului final al primului modul si anume eseul. Se vor discuta criteriile de evaluare si diferentele intre constructia unui eseu de nivel B2 si constructia unui eseu de nivel C1. Diferite tipuri de eseuri se vor analiza si evalua, pentru a se demonstra, intelege si practica modul efectiv de realizare a evaluarii eseurilor, iar rezultatele vor fi pe intelesul tuturor prin cazuistica exersata impreuna cu Lectorul.

La finalul workshopului „Assessing Essay Writing”, participantii vor putea:

  • sa evalueze un eseu conform standardelor Cambridge;

  • sa diferentieze un eseu de nivel B2 de un eseu de nivel C1.

Orar workshop:
  • 09:30 – 10:00 = Inregistrarea participantilor (30 minute)

  • 10:00 – 12:00 = Workshop - Partea 1 (120 minute)

  • 12:00 – 12:30 = Coffee Break (30 minute)

  • 12:30 – 14:30 = Workshop - Partea 2 (120 minute)

Locatie: Sediul EECentre Bucuresti – Str. Sfintii Voievozi, Nr. 65, Sector 1 (PARTER Cladirea Jupiter House)





Data sustinere:

05.04.2020 (4h)

Deadline inscriere:





100 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

Training Series:
Teaching with a Twist (from the programme Teacher's Only, powered by EECentre)
Module 1: Comprehension Skills - Focus on Reading and Listening

Target audience: This workshop is suitable for all English teachers, beginners and even more experienced, as it offers solutions and quick fixes for most common problems with our learners. It also covers the must-have parts for the teachers' theoretical/practical background. Level for teaching - preferably B1 and above, but the workshop can also give new perspectives to teachers of lower levels.

General description: The workshop is a mix between common linguistic theories and their practical aspects. It explains why we do certain activities in the classroom and how we can make our students constantly benefit and improve knowledge. All activities are hands-on oriented and ready to integrate in our every day lessons.

Main topics covered:
1. How to integrate old into new - integrating theory into practice;
2. Comprehension vs Production - improving our students' Reading and Listening skills (how to find the perfect mix of top-down and bottom up techniques in order to build the necessary skills with our students, why and how to activate schemata prior to certain classroom activities)
3. Basic classroom management and lesson planning - organizing your groups, covering students' needs, working with levels according to the curriculum;
4. Online and blended learning - teaching and assisting our students in the online environment;
5. Practical activity - how to best use Dictogloss (Grammar Dictation) in classrooms.

Duration: 4 h, including the break and QA session

Workshop Agenda:

  • 09:30 – 10:00 = Registration & Welcome coffee

  • 10:00 – 12:00 = Workshop training (Part 1)

  • 12:00 – 12:15 = Coffee Break

  • 12:15 – 14:00 = Workshop training (Part 2) (including QA session)

Locatie: Colegiul National Pedagogic CARMEN SYLVA – Bd. Constantin Diaconovici Loga, Nr. 45, Timisoara



Data sustinere:

21.03.2020 (4h)

Deadline inscriere:





100 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

A workshop for busy teachers and successful students

Trinity GESE Grades 1 - 3 exams address young learners. At these levels, candidates are expected to communicate in basic and routine tasks on familiar topics and areas of immediate need.
This workshop focuses on the can dos of the exam and presents practical speaking activities teachers can use in the classroom in order to improve learners’ communicative skills as well as to reduce test anxiety. Since this may be candidates’ first exam experience, they may lack confidence. Engaging students in interactive educational games builds their confidence and facilitates language learning. If you feel there’s always room for more games to add to your play list, or your preparation time is limited, the proposed activities are meant to provide you with some aces up your sleeves.

Anda-Ileana Duta holds a PhD in Philology and she is an Interactive Methodology specialist, a TEFL and ESP teacher and a Cambridge Speaking examiner. During her 15-year-teaching experience, she has taught learners of all ages in Romania, Spain, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Croatia and the UK. Anda takes great pride in motivating her students looking forward to their next English lesson and exam experience.

Locatie: in procesare (se informeaza pe email catre profesorii inscrisi).

Duration: 4h, including the break and QA session.

Workshop Agenda:

  • 09:30 – 10:00 = Registration & Welcome coffee;

  • 10:00 – 12:00 = Workshop training (Part 1);

  • 12:00 – 12:30 = Coffee Break (30 minute);

  • 12:30 – 14:00 = Workshop training (Part 2) (including QA session).

Locatie: Sediul EECentre Bucuresti – Str. Sfintii Voievozi, Nr. 65, Sector 1 (PARTER Cladirea Jupiter House).



Data sustinere:

15.03.2020 (4h)

Deadline inscriere:





100 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

Training Series:
Teaching with a Twist (from the programme Teacher's Only, powered by EECentre)
Module 1: Comprehension Skills - Focus on Reading and Listening

Target audience: This workshop is suitable for all English teachers, beginners and even more experienced, as it offers solutions and quick fixes for most common problems with our learners. It also covers the must-have parts for the teachers' theoretical/practical background. Level for teaching - preferably B1 and above, but the workshop can also give new perspectives to teachers of lower levels.

General description: The workshop is a mix between common linguistic theories and their practical aspects. It explains why we do certain activities in the classroom and how we can make our students constantly benefit and improve knowledge. All activities are hands-on oriented and ready to integrate in our every day lessons.

Main topics covered:
1. How to integrate old into new - integrating theory into practice;
2. Comprehension vs Production - improving our students' Reading and Listening skills (how to find the perfect mix of top-down and bottom up techniques in order to build the necessary skills with our students, why and how to activate schemata prior to certain classroom activities)
3. Basic classroom management and lesson planning - organizing your groups, covering students' needs, working with levels according to the curriculum;
4. Online and blended learning - teaching and assisting our students in the online environment;
5. Practical activity - how to best use Dictogloss (Grammar Dictation) in classrooms.

Duration: 4 h, including the break and QA session

Workshop Agenda:

  • 09:30 – 10:00 = Registration & Welcome coffee

  • 10:00 – 12:00 = Workshop training (Part 1)

  • 12:00 – 12:15 = Coffee Break

  • 12:15 – 14:00 = Workshop training (Part 2) (including QA session)

Locatie: Sediul EECentre Bucuresti – Str. Sfintii Voievozi, Nr. 65, Sector 1 (PARTER Cladirea Jupiter House).



Data sustinere:

23.02.2020 (4h)

Deadline inscriere:





150 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

A workshop for busy teachers and successful students

Presentation: This workshop focuses on the can dos of the exam and on motivating and guiding students through exam practice. It covers specifications regarding the format, the procedure and the assessment for Trinity GESE Grade 4. It also presents practical speaking activities teachers can use in the classroom in order to improve learners’communicative skills as well as tips for preparing students develop their topic form.

Duration: 4 h, including the break and QA session

Workshop Agenda:

  • 09:30 – 10:00 = Registration & Welcome coffee

  • 10:00 – 12:00 = Workshop training (Part 1)

  • 12:00 – 12:15 = Coffee Break

  • 12:15 – 14:00 = Workshop training (Part 2) (including QA session)

Locatie: Sediul EECentre Bucuresti – Str. Sfintii Voievozi, Nr. 65, Sector 1 (PARTER Cladirea Jupiter House).



Data sustinere:

23.02.2020 (4h)

Deadline inscriere:





100 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

Register for EECentre workshop "A2 Key and B1 Preliminary Exam Updates 2020: ideas and strategies for the classroom".
The workshop covers what is new for A2 Key and B1 Preliminary, how to help your students get ready for the exams and the reasons for the 2020 revisions, looking at how each paper has changed.
It will include some of the support and preparation materials available to help students prepare for the revised exams and some practical teaching ideas.
Moreover, there is a section covering changes to the way results are reported and what the results mean.

Interval orar: 08:30 – 12:30 (durata: 4h)

Orar workshop:

  • 08:30 – 09:00 = Inregistrarea participantilor (30 minute)

  • 09:00 – 10:30 = Workshop - Partea I (90 minute)

  • 10:30 – 11:00 = Coffee Break (30 minute)

  • 11:00 – 12:30 = Workshop - Partea a II-a (90 minute)

Locatie: Colegiul National Costache Negri (Strada Brailei 134, Galati)





Data sustinere:

01.02.2020 (4h)

Deadline inscriere:





0 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

Training Series:
Teaching with a Twist (from the programme Teacher's Only, powered by EECentre)
Module 1: Comprehension Skills - Focus on Reading and Listening

Target audience: This workshop is suitable for all English teachers, beginners and even more experienced, as it offers solutions and quick fixes for most common problems with our learners. It also covers the must-have parts for the teachers' theoretical/practical background. Level for teaching - preferably B1 and above, but the workshop can also give new perspectives to teachers of lower levels.

General description: The workshop is a mix between common linguistic theories and their practical aspects. It explains why we do certain activities in the classroom and how we can make our students constantly benefit and improve knowledge. All activities are hands-on oriented and ready to integrate in our every day lessons.

Main topics covered:
1. How to integrate old into new - integrating theory into practice;
2. Comprehension vs Production - improving our students' Reading and Listening skills (how to find the perfect mix of top-down and bottom up techniques in order to build the necessary skills with our students, why and how to activate schemata prior to certain classroom activities)
3. Basic classroom management and lesson planning - organizing your groups, covering students' needs, working with levels according to the curriculum;
4. Online and blended learning - teaching and assisting our students in the online environment;
5. Practical activity - how to best use Dictogloss (Grammar Dictation) in classrooms.

Duration: 4 h, including the break and QA session

Workshop Agenda:

  • 09:30 – 10:00 = Registration & Welcome coffee

  • 10:00 – 12:00 = Workshop training (Part 1)

  • 12:00 – 12:15 = Coffee Break

  • 12:15 – 14:00 = Workshop training (Part 2) (including QA session)

Locatie: Universitatea CONSTANTIN BRANCOVEANU (Calea Bascovului 2a, Pitești), Sala Amfiteatru 5, Etaj 2



Data sustinere:

01.02.2020 (4h)

Deadline inscriere:





100 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

Scrierea unui eseu este riguroasa si provocatoare, chiar si pentru elevii cei mai buni. Ca si în cazul altor abilitati, scrierea eseurilor se dezvolta si se imbunatateste in timp. "Assessing Writing" este modulul care se axeaza pe evaluarea produsului final al primului modul si anume eseul. Se vor discuta criteriile de evaluare si diferentele intre constructia unui eseu de nivel B2 si constructia unui eseu de nivel C1. Diferite tipuri de eseuri se vor analiza si evalua, pentru a se demonstra, intelege si practica modul efectiv de realizare a evaluarii eseurilor, iar rezultatele vor fi pe intelesul tuturor prin cazuistica exersata impreuna cu Lectorul.

La finalul workshopului „Assessing Essay Writing”, participantii vor putea:

  • sa evalueze un eseu conform standardelor Cambridge;

  • sa diferentieze un eseu de nivel B2 de un eseu de nivel C1.

Orar workshop:
  • 09:30 – 10:00 = Inregistrarea participantilor (30 minute)

  • 10:00 – 12:00 = Workshop - Partea 1 (120 minute)

  • 12:00 – 12:30 = Coffee Break (30 minute)

  • 12:30 – 14:30 = Workshop - Partea 2 (120 minute)

Locatie: Sediul EECentre Bucuresti – Str. Sfintii Voievozi, Nr. 65, Sector 1 (PARTER Cladirea Jupiter House)





Data sustinere:

18.01.2020 (4h)

Deadline inscriere:





100 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

"Teaching Writing" este modulul in care profesorul este pregatit sa creeze un mediu propice scrierii de eseuri la clasa. Inainte de a deveni sofer inveti cum functioneaza componentele masinii. Acelasi lucru este valabil si pentru un profesor care invata elevii sa scrie eseuri. El este cel care trebuie, mai intai, sa inteleaga si sa parcurga etapele scrierii unui eseu, pentru ca mai apoi sa le explice elevilor acest proces. Prin participare la acest workshop, vei explora, pas cu pas, tehnica scrierii unui eseu pornind de la tema lansata, trecand prin culegerea, adunarea si selectarea ideilor, pana la constructia eseului propriu-zis. Se vor analiza diferite tipuri de eseuri cerute la olimpiada si la examenele Cambridge si se vor lucra impreuna cu Lectorul, pentru intelegerea aprofundata a structurii.

La finalul workshopului „Teaching Essay Writing”, participantii vor putea:

  • sa identifice etapele procesului de scriere a unui eseu;

  • sa utilizeze eficient, cu elevii, etapele procesului de scriere;

  • sa creeze la clasa mediul propice pentru dezvoltarea gandirii critice.

Orar workshop:
  • 09:30 – 10:00 = Inregistrarea participantilor (30 minute)

  • 10:00 – 12:00 = Workshop - Partea 1 (120 minute)

  • 12:00 – 12:30 = Coffee Break (30 minute)

  • 12:30 – 14:30 = Workshop - Partea 2 (120 minute)

Taxa de inscriere Modul 1: 100 lei/participant.





Data sustinere:

11.01.2020 (4h)

Deadline inscriere:





100 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

Training Series:
Teaching with a Twist (from the programme Teacher's Only, powered by EECentre)
Module 1: Comprehension Skills - Focus on Reading and Listening

Target audience: This workshop is suitable for all English teachers, beginners and even more experienced, as it offers solutions and quick fixes for most common problems with our learners. It also covers the must-have parts for the teachers' theoretical/practical background. Level for teaching - preferably B1 and above, but the workshop can also give new perspectives to teachers of lower levels.

General description: The workshop is a mix between common linguistic theories and their practical aspects. It explains why we do certain activities in the classroom and how we can make our students constantly benefit and improve knowledge. All activities are hands-on oriented and ready to integrate in our every day lessons.

Main topics covered:
1. How to integrate old into new - integrating theory into practice;
2. Comprehension vs Production - improving our students' Reading and Listening skills (how to find the perfect mix of top-down and bottom up techniques in order to build the necessary skills with our students, why and how to activate schemata prior to certain classroom activities)
3. Basic classroom management and lesson planning - organizing your groups, covering students' needs, working with levels according to the curriculum;
4. Online and blended learning - teaching and assisting our students in the online environment;
5. Practical activity - how to best use Dictogloss (Grammar Dictation) in classrooms.

Duration: 4 h, including the break and QA session

Workshop Agenda:

  • 09:30 – 10:00 = Registration & Welcome coffee

  • 10:00 – 12:00 = Workshop training (Part 1)

  • 12:00 – 12:15 = Coffee Break

  • 12:15 – 14:00 = Workshop training (Part 2) (including QA session)

Locatie: Hotel IBIS Palatul Parlamentului: Sala Eminescu, etaj 1 (Bucuresti, Strada IZVOR 82-84)



Data sustinere:

14.12.2019 (4h)

Deadline inscriere:





100 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

Register for EECentre workshop "A2 Key and B1 Preliminary Exam Updates 2020: ideas and strategies for the classroom".
The workshop covers what is new for A2 Key and B1 Preliminary, how to help your students get ready for the exams and the reasons for the 2020 revisions, looking at how each paper has changed.
It will include some of the support and preparation materials available to help students prepare for the revised exams and some practical teaching ideas.
Moreover, there is a section covering changes to the way results are reported and what the results mean.

Interval orar: 09:30 – 13:30 (durata: 4h)

Orar workshop:

  • 09:30 – 10:00 = Inregistrarea participantilor (30 minute)

  • 10:00 – 11:30 = Workshop - Partea I (90 minute)

  • 11:30 – 12:00 = Coffee Break (30 minute)

  • 12:00 – 13:30 = Workshop - Partea a II-a (90 minute)

Locatie: RIN Grand Hotel, Sala Bruxelles, etaj 13, Soseaua Vitan-Barzesti 7D, Bucuresti





Data sustinere:

24.11.2019 (4h)

Deadline inscriere:





0 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

A workshop for busy teachers and successful students

Trinity GESE Grades 1 - 3 exams address young learners. At these levels, candidates are expected to communicate in basic and routine tasks on familiar topics and areas of immediate need.
This workshop focuses on the can dos of the exam and presents practical speaking activities teachers can use in the classroom in order to improve learners’ communicative skills as well as to reduce test anxiety. Since this may be candidates’ first exam experience, they may lack confidence. Engaging students in interactive educational games builds their confidence and facilitates language learning. If you feel there’s always room for more games to add to your play list, or your preparation time is limited, the proposed activities are meant to provide you with some aces up your sleeves.

Anda-Ileana Duta holds a PhD in Philology and she is an Interactive Methodology specialist, a TEFL and ESP teacher and a Cambridge Speaking examiner. During her 15-year-teaching experience, she has taught learners of all ages in Romania, Spain, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Croatia and the UK. Anda takes great pride in motivating her students looking forward to their next English lesson and exam experience.

Interval orar: 10:00 – 14:00

Orar workshop:

  • 09:30 – 10:00 = Inregistrarea participantilor

  • 10:00 – 12:00 = Workshop - Partea I

  • 12:00 – 12:30 = Coffee Break (30 minute)

  • 12:30 – 14:00 = Workshop - Partea a II-a



Data sustinere:

16.11.2019 (4h)

Deadline inscriere:





0 Lei

Prezentare workshop »

The workshop covers the reasons for the 2020 revisions, looking at how each paper has changed. It will include some of the support and preparation materials available to help students prepare for the revised exams and some practical teaching ideas. Moreover, there is a section covering changes to the way results are reported and what the results mean.

Locatie: Colegiul National Fratii Buzesti
Taxa: 0 Lei





Data sustinere:

18.10.2019 (2h)

Deadline inscriere:





0 Lei

  • Workshop-urile PUBLICE dispun de locuri limitate, care se vor ocupa in ordinea procesarii inscrierii de catre participanti.
  • Workshop-urile PRIVATE sunt livrate la cererea centrelor sau profesorilor, care ne scriu la: contact@EECentre.ro
Pregatirea continua, impartasirea celor mai actuale informatii, tehnici, metode si reguli de buna practica educationala, precum si atentia dedicata profesorilor pentru pregatirea continua reprezinta aspecte prioritare in statusul functional al EECentre.

Workshop-urile EECentre pot include:
  • parti teoretice si practice (jocuri de rol, exercitii cu focus pe predarea vocabularului sau gramaticii, demonstratii multisenzoriale in acord cu inteligentele multiple), cat si recomandari pentru folosirea resurselor didactice moderne, specifice pregatirii pe toate nivelurile lingvistice;
  • recomandari pentru folosirea resurselor didactice moderne, specifice pregatirii pe toate nivelurile lingvistice;
  • materiale electronice si/sau tiparite.
EUROPEAN EXAMINATIONS CENTRE emite si acorda fiecarui participant “Certificat de Participare” in care sunt incluse urmatoarele date:
  • numele participantului;
  • denumirea workshop-ului;
  • seria si numarul unic de inregistrare;
  • numarul de ore;
  • data calendaristica;
  • locatia/orasul.

EECentre este un standard de referinta in Romania
pentru organizarea examenelor lingvistice internationale

EUROPEAN EXAMINATIONS CENTRE - EECentre este centru oficial autorizat RO084 de IDP Education pentru sustinerea de teste IELTS pe calculator - teste internationale de certificare a cunostintelor de limba engleza IELTS Romania.

EUROPEAN EXAMINATIONS CENTRE - EECentre este centru oficial autorizat RO050 de CAMBRIDGE ASSESSMENT ENGLISH (UK) pentru sustinerea examenelor de certificare a cunostintelor de limba engleza, in Romania.

EUROPEAN EXAMINATIONS CENTRE - EECentre este centru oficial autorizat ROU002 de Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch-ÖSD (Austria) pentru sustinerea examenelor de certificare a cunostintelor de limba germana, in Romania.

EUROPEAN EXAMINATIONS CENTRE - EECentre este centru oficial autorizat RO65151 de Trinity College London (UK) pentru sustinerea examenelor de certificare a cunostintelor de limba engleza, in Romania.

EUROPEAN EXAMINATIONS CENTRE - EECentre este centru oficial autorizat RO001 de OCCUPATIONAL ENGLISH TEST-OET (Australia) pentru sustinerea examenelor de certificare a cunostintelor de limba engleza medicala, in Romania si sud-estul Europei.

Din primavara anului 2018, EUROPEAN EXAMINATIONS CENTRE (EECentre) functioneaza in Romania ca: AUTHORISED PLATINIUM EXAM CENTRE - titulatura oferita de CAMBRIDGE ASSESSMENT ENGLISH (UK), in semn de recunoastere a indeplinirii criteriilor functionale: livrarea de examene de limba engleza la standarde internationale, servicii de excelenta oferite clientilor, parteneriate durabile realizate cu centrele din tara.

    What our customers say

Din perspectiva unui voluntar EECentre, livrarea unui examen se desfasoara intr-o atmosfera propice concentrarii. Echipa EECentre este unita, comunicativa, sociabila, aspecte care m-au determinat sa imi continui activitatea si sa astept cu nerabdare urmatoarea sesiune de examinare.
Elev I. Martin, 18 ani, Voluntar
A fost o experiență extrem de plăcută să dau un examen aici! Spațiul a fost impecabil, personalul amabil, au răspuns cu promptitudine la e-mailuri, făcând astfel tot parcursul candidatului ușor de trecut! Recomand cu căldură examenele Cambridge la EECentre.
Yasmina R., Bucuresti, Candidat Examen Cambridge C1 Advanced
Despre examenele Cambridge sustinute de candidati pe calculator (versiunea Computer-Based): Din 2013 aleg exclusiv examenele Computer-Based, deoarece oferă foarte multe facilități candidaților în materie de recuperare timp, sonorizare superioara la proba de ascultare, primire rezultate și certificate intr-o perioada relativ imediata. Demn de luat în semă este și diminuarea consumului de hârtie, tonnere, materiale plastice, diverse alte resurse etc. Punctez acest argument ecologic care se reflectă în calitatea vieții fiecăruia dintre noi atât în prezent, dar mai ales în viitor.
Dna. Prof. Carmen Salvan, Centrul de Limbi Străine Cambridge Deva
Examenele computer-based reprezinta o optiune viabila a sustinerii examenelor Cambridge din mai multe motive: copiii si adolescentii sunt familiarizati cu utilizarea calculatorului si castiga timp pretios la proba de Reading, Use of English si Listening, intrucat nu este necesar sa treaca raspunsurile pe answer sheet (timpul probei ramanand insa acelasi). Calitatea sunetului la proba de Listening este net superioara, ei putand sa isi regleze volumul sunetului oricand in timpul probei, tot ce lucreaza ei este salvat in timp real - chiar daca exista posibilitatea sa fie probleme cu computerele, munca lor nu va fi afectata si nici timpul de lucru, pot vedea pe ecranul calculatorului: permanent timpul ramas pana la sfarsitul probei. La partea de Writing cuvintele sunt numarate automat. In plus, au posibilitatea mutarii paragrafelor, adaugarii /inlocuirii cuvintelor. Programul este usor de utilizat de catre supraveghetor, iar munca acestuia este mult mai usoara. Exista materiale online pe care le puteti folosi in pregatirea elevilor, precum si un tutorial care explica foarte bine cum trebuie abordata fiecare parte, rezultatul este primit in 2 saptamani. Va incurajez sa incercati aceasta varianta, cu siguranta va fi un pas inainte atat pentru dumneavoastra, cat si pentru elevii dumneavoastra.
Dna. Prof. Mirela Radu, Manager Centrul de Limbi Straine Smart English, Sibiu
Despre examenele Cambridge sustinute de candidati pe calculator (versiunea Computer-Based): Organizarea unei sesiuni pe Computer implică o activitate simplificată si semnificativ mai puțină responsabiltate, iar EECentre asigură logistica examenului (computere, casti etc). Răspunsurile candidaților se incarcă automat (dispare stresul completării tuturor fișelor, a modalităților de completare a acestora - creion sau pix, litere de mână sau de tipar; expedierea plicurilor cu testele candidaților). Partea de Listening (care oricând poate crea probleme din cauza unui gadget care nu funcționează sau a gălăgiei din clădire / stradă) se desfășoară întotdeauna fără probleme. Rezultatele la examen sosesc intr-un timp cu mult mai scurt (comparativ cu cele de la examenele pe hartie).
Dna. Prof. Laura Sabau, C.N. “Unirea” Targu Mures
Despre examenele Cambridge sustinute de candidati pe calculator (versiunea Computer-Based): - Nu am avut niciun copil care sa spuna ca nu a stiut ce sa faca, pe ce sa dea click si ca a pierdut din timp. Totul li s-a parut clar, user friendly. - Listeningul este INCOMPARABIL: fiecare elev are propria casca pe urechi si sunetul este ascultat individual, la o calitate net superioara. - La GAPPED reading, avantajul este, iar, de domeniul evidentei, asezarea paragrafelor contribuie la confirmarea, sau nu, a fluentei /coerentei textului si este time saving. - Writingul este avantajos pentru cei cu scris indescifrabil si pentru ca numararea cuvintelor este automata, deci, vorbim iar de folosirea judicioasa a timpului. Mentionez ca ultimele grupe care au sustinut CB nu au avut mock test pe calculator, deci nu au exersat. Cu toate acestea, s-au descurcat impecabil deoarece instructiunile sunt foarte clare.
Dna Prof. Petronela Barbulescu, C.N. Pedagogic “Carmen Sylva” Timisoara
In aprilie 2019, a fost prima mea colaborare cu EECentre. Am participat la majoritatea workshop-urilor si sunt multumita de calitatea lor. Trainerii sunt bine pregatiti, flexibili, folosesc metode moderne de predare, explicatii concrete, eficiente, ofera materiale didactice, combina practicul cu teoreticul si chiar mai mult, cer feedback la sfarsitul cursului. Recomand si altor profesori workshop-urile si examenele oferite de EECentre.
Dna. Prof. V. SAVU, Reprezentant Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 135, Bucuresti
Felicitari intregii echipe EECentre pentru modul de organizare a examenului B1 Preliminary for Schools (PET) din 06.07.2020, Bucuresti. Felicitari pentru atitudinea, profesionalismul, increderea si sustinerea transmisa participantilor; multi dintre ei aflati la debut, in drumul examenelor din viata. Ei sunt cei mai sinceri critici. Va dorim (parintii si copilul): succes in activitate, sanatate si proiecte frumoase.
Mona Gostian, Parinte Candidat, Bucuresti
Va felicit pentru modul cum ati organizat si desfasurat examenul Cambridge: B1 Preliminary (PET) din iulie 2020. In aceasta perioada deloc usoara, ati reusit sa le transmiteti copiilor siguranta si incredere. Pentru toate acestea va MULTUMIM !
Monalice RADULESCU, Parinte Candidat, Bucuresti
Am ales să colaborez cu EECentre, deoarece au fost cei care mi-au prezentat soluțiile necesare pentru punerea pe picioare a unui centru la început de drum. Oamenii de aici, organizarea, promptitudinea, training-urile, respectul oferit, toate acestea îi recomandă drept cel mai bun partener întru organizarea examenelor Cambridge. Multumesc si va iubesc!
Alina NEGRUTIU, RIO Centrul de Limbi Straine, Bucuresti
Va multumim din suflet pentru colaborarea impecabila din toata perioada desfasurarii probelor de concurs KOALA INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION! Felicitari intregii echipe! Abia așteptam sa ne inscriem la etapa urmatoare 2021! Echipa de la Clubul Amazing Kids, ARAD
Doina TIFREA, Manager Clubul Amazing Kids, ARAD
Ma numesc DARIA si am 12 ani. Într-o zi m-am gândit: ce să fac azi? Și atunci mi-a venit o idee, de ce să nu îmi verific nivelul de engleză, cu un test pentru examenul Cambridge B2 First? Aplicatia EEC App a fost uimitoare! Totul a fost foarte organizat, oamenii erau foarte bine pregătiți și atât de drăguți și m-au ajutat cu tot ce am avut de facut. De exemplu, la partea de vorbire, Doamna Examinatoare a fost atât de deschisă, comunicativă, amuzantă și foarte calmă, ceea ce mi-a dat curaj și deodată toate temerile mele au dispărut. Recomand tuturor Simulare Online Examen Cambridge. Și aveți încredere în mine: este o experiență de excepție, pe care eu nu o voi uita niciodată. Deci, ce aștepți? Dă-i drumul!
Daria T., Elev 12 ani, Bucuresti, Candidat la EEC App
Mi-a facut placere sa particip la workshopul A2&B1 organizat de EECentre. Pe langa noutatile aparute in cadrul celor 2 examene, am mai invatat si alte lucruri noi, ceea ce e o bucurie. Va multumesc frumos!
Dna. Iuliana Ciotinga, Complexul Educational Laude-Reut, Bucuresti
Particip la workshop-urile organizate de EECentre, deoarece consider ca este un "must have" in pregatirea elevilor, dar si din dorinta a afla metode inovative de predare si "upgradare" profesionala.
Dna. Ana ANA, Reprezentant EDULAND Laborator de Educatie Nonformala, Corabia
Consider ca profesorii se confrunta cu provocari si schimbari nenumarate in demersul lor didactic, iar acesta este motivul pentru care este necesara participarea la workshop-uri si tot felul de actiuni de pregatire. Recomand cu multa incredere workshop-urile EECentre, deoarece ajuta la formarea cadrelor didactice intr-un mod interactiv si placut.
Dna. Profesor Nicolle CIRLEA, Reprezentant Liceul Teoretic C.A. ROSETTI, Bucuresti
BIG BEN LANGUAGE SCHOOLS Bulgaria are extremely happy to work together with EECentre because of the examiners' professionalism and their friendly collaboration with the candidates. We are grateful to be a part of the EECentre's family and thankful for the opportunity to develop our students' language skills and life confidence. We are looking forward to next year's Cambridge exams!
Jenny Spirkova, BIG BEN LANGUAGE SCHOOLS Bulgaria
Testul IELTS la EECentre a fost o experienta placuta. Desi am avut emotii, mediul in care a decurs testul a fost foarte profesional si nu am intampinat nici o dificultate. In mod special apreciez modul in care s-a desfasurat partea de speaking; examinatorul care m-a testat fiind foarte calm si m-a ajutat sa depasesc emotiile.
Candidat examen IELTS Nov. 2020, Ploiesti, Prahova
Mi-am dorit sa ofer experiente de invatare veritabile, sa pot raspunde necesitatilor de formare si dezvoltare ale unei mari diversitati de copii proveniti din grupuri diferite si sa asigur sanse egale in ceea ce priveste participarea la interactiunile din clasa si cele din afara acesteia, iar cooperarea cu EECentre m-a ajutat sa le asigur elevilor mei reale oportunitati de cooperare si comunicare in clasa si in afara ei. Multumesc, EECentre pentru deschiderea de noi orizonturi spre dezvoltare personala si profesionala!
Dna. Profesor A. Vlad, Cambridge Speaking Examiner, GALATI
Scoala Superioara Comerciala "Nicolae Kretzulescu" va multumeste pentru fructuoasa colaborare ce o dezvoltam, organizand impreuna sesiuni de examene Cambridge soldate cu rezultate foarte bune pentru elevii nostri.
Dna Profesor L. Stanciu, Reprezentant Scoala "N. Kretzulescu"
Va multumesc mult pentru tot! Pentru organizarea, promovarea, sustinerea unui asemenea eveniment educational: KOALA INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION! Felicitari intregii echipe EECentre, ca ne-ati sprijinit sa participam si sa avem asemenea competitie de talie mondiala, aici, la noi acasa! Bravo Romania pentru copiii buni si deosebiti! Pe viitor, doresc sa ne continuam succesul impreuna!
Andra DINU, Manager Arthur English Kids Club, Bucuresti
Mi-am dorit sa ofer experiente de invatare veritabile si sa pot raspunde necesitatilor de formare si dezvoltare ale unei mari diversitati de copii proveniti din grupuri diferite si sa asigur sanse egale in ceea ce priveste participarea la interactiunile din clasa si extrascolare, iar colaborarea cu EECentre m-a ajutat sa le asigur elevilor mei aceste reale oportunitati. Multumesc European Examinations Centre pentru deschiderea de noi orizontori de dezvoltare personala si profesionala.
Dna. Profesor A. VLAD, Reprezentant Colegiul National ”A.I. Cuza”, Galati
Recomand cu incredere EECentre pentru profesionalism, promptitudine si eficienta!
Dna. Profesor A. Monescu, Reprezentant Colegiul National Unirea, Brasov
European Examinations Centre nu este doar o organizatie de examinare, ci un centru in care primeaza calitatea si umanitatea. Serviciile oferite sunt centrate pe colaboratori si candidati. Suntem onorati sa facem parte din familia EECentre.
Dna. Profesor M. RADU, Reprezentant Smart English, Sibiu
Colaborarea cu European Examinations Centre a contribuit semnificativ la formarea mea ca profesionist in domeniul limbii engleze, prin sansa oferita, care a insemnat onoarea, dar si provocarea de a ma mentine la inaltimea rigorilor impuse de statutul de Cambridge speaking examiner, precum si prin relatia profesionala desavaraita avuta cu membrii echipei EECentre.
Dna. Profesor O. D. MILEA, Reprezentant Colegiul National „A.I. Cuza”, Galati
I have participated in several workshops focusing on Cambridge examinations, methods of teaching, TKT, and developing productive skills in students, and I have always found them very engaging, extremely useful, and enjoyable. Moreover, I have sat for a TKT examination that was very well organised and I am looking forward to continuing my professional development with EECentre.
Dna. Profesor D. MARINCU, Reprezentant Sc. Gimnaziala nr. 13 & Language Express, Timisoara
Colaborarea cu European Examinations Centre a însemnat încă din prima clipă garanția examenelor Cambridge organizate cu promptitudine și profesionalism. Alături de EECentre, Customised English din Brasov are posibilitatea de a oferi pretestari gratuite cursantilor sai, precum si de a sustine examenul asa cum le este lor mai la indemana - pe calculator. Echipa de examinatori tineri, entuziasti si cu multa experienta, reuseste prin profesionalism si tact sa le ofere candidatilor o experienta de examinare memorabila, la standarde internationale.
Dna. Profesor R. I. Davidescu, Reprezentant Customised English, Brasov
Alaturi de trainerii EECentre m-am format in calitate de examinator Cambridge ceea ce a presupus o abordare diferita a evaluarii asa cum am invatat-o in scoala romaneasca. De oamenii din echipa EECentre ma leaga o relationare de mai bine de 7 ani, timp in care m-au crescut si m-au provocat sa imi descopar maretia si sa imi perfectionez responsabilitatea de evaluator. Multumesc tuturor calauzelor pe care le-am cunoscut prin intermediul EECentre pentru momentele de invatare traite impreuna!
Dna Profesor C. NEAGU, Reprezentant Liceul de Arte, Buzau
Ma bucura nespus colaborarea cu EECentre, deoarece nu doar noi, profesorii, ne-am familiarizat cu criteriile de evaluare, ci si elevii au experimentat ce inseamna testarea si validarea competentelor lingvistice la nivel international. Apreciez profesionalismul, rigurozitatea si seriozitatea echipei EECentre in organizarea examenelor Cambridge. Desi nu cunosteam in amanut ce presupune acesta colaborare, acum pot afirma ca a fost un real castig atat pe plan profesional, cat si personal. Detinerea unui certificat Cambridge atesta la nivel international cunostintele detinute de un candidat, in plus cunoasterea unei limbi straine ofera noi optiuni si oportunitati de viitor.
Dna. Profesor N. NECHITA, Reprezentant Art High School, Buzau
Dezvoltam o colaborare foarte eficienta cu EECentre - partener de incredere. Multumim echipei EECentre care a reusit sa puna bazele unui centru de referinta in domeniul evaluarii si certificarii studiului limbii engleze, atat de bine ancorat in realitatile vietii noastre. Din toamna 2018 am devenit centru de examinare avizat, ceea ce a fost o recompensa sufleteasca enorma pentru profesorii direct implicati in aceste activitati, dar si una emotionala pentru elevii nostri ce, nu numai ca au inceput sa recunoasca importanta sustinetii examenelor Cambridge pentru echivalarea competentelor lingvistice de Bacalaureat si alcatuirea dosarului pentru burse sau inscrieri la facultatile din strainatate, ci au devenit si mult mai mandri de scoala unde invata. Apreciem ca EECentre dedica profesorilor o gama larga de workshopuri inovative, ce contribuie atat la perfectionarea pedagogica, cat si la sprijinirea elevilor prin resursele specifice de pregatire a examenelor. Mult succes in continuare!
Dna Prof. R. Neatu, Teacher Trainer, Reprezentant Colegiul National "Matei Basarab", Bucuresti
Scoala Gimnaziala "I.G.DUCA" din Bucuresti colaboreaza excelent cu EECentre, prin sustinerea de testari, simulari, ateliere educationale, examene de limba engleza Cambridge. Pe viitor ne dorim continuarea acestei frumoase colaborari.
Dna Prof. M. MANESCU, Scoala Gimnaziala "I. G. DUCA", Bucuresti
Examenul Cambridge a fost o experienta extraordinara pentru mine, desi mi s-a parut o provocare, pe masura ce avansam de la o proba la alta. Proba de speaking a fost preferata mea, examinatorul a fost prietenos si implicat in dialogul care mi-a dat multa incredere conversationala. Aceasta a fost prima mea incercare de a face fata unui examen in limba engleza si m-a ajutat sa-mi cunosc nivelul corect de limba engleza. In concluzie, acest examen ma determina sa continui studiul cu mult mai multa perseverenta si optimism.
Ramona, Candidat la Examenul de Limba Engleza Cambridge
Astazi am sustinut examenul KET Cambridge, pentru care m-am pregatit foarte mult. Mi-au placut cei doi examinatori, fiindca erau foarte atenti cu mine. Examenul a fost organizat foarte bine, sala de clasa a avut o multime de laptop-uri, iar conditiile au fost optime examinarii candidatilor.
Anisia, Candidat la Examenul de Limba Engleza Cambridge
In primul rand, organizatia este geniala: organizarea examenului a fost excelenta, iar fiecare candidat a inteles ce are de facut. Am fost foarte emotionata la prima parte de speaking, dar in cele din urma s-a dovedit a fi cea mai usoara. Profesorii au fost foarte comunicativi si ne-au oferit un cadru prietenos de examinare. Urmatoarele probe: citit, scris si ascultat, le-am sustinut in format computer-based, pe calculatoare foarte bune.
Denisa, Candidat la Examenul de Limba Engleza Cambridge
Fantastic team, a pleasure to work with.
Dna. Profesor M. White, Manager SPRINGFIELD School, Bucuresti
Experienta mea in echipa EECentre ma ajuta sa-mi deschid orizontul alaturi de colegi minunati, ce dovedesc atat profesionalism in tot ceea ce fac, cat si deschidere, fiind mereu dispusi sa ofere ajutor oriunde este nevoie.
Elev M. D. IACOB, 18 ani, Voluntar
Colaborarea cu EECentre o evaluam a fi o experienta excelenta, deoarece promtitudinea si calitatea serviciilor furnizate sunt la cele mai inalte standarde.
Dna. Profesor C. LERCH, Reprezentant Colegiul National „MIRCEA ELIADE”, Resita, jud. Caras Severin
Am descoperit in European Examinations Centre partenerul ideal in ceea ce priveste certificarea internationala a cunostintelor de limba engleza, motiv pentru care ne dorim continuarea colaborarii. Felicitari intregii echipe si mult succes viitor!
Dna. Profesor A. IAZ, Reprezentant Liceul Teoretic “Constantin Serban” Alesd, jud. Bihor
EECentre nu este doar „un centru de examinare”, ci un partener in care calitatea si umanitatea primeaza. Serviciile oferite sunt focusate pe candidati si colaboratori. Suntem onorati sa facem parte din familia EECentre.
Dna. Profesor M. RADU, Reprezentant Smart English, Sibiu.
Keep up the great work! Multumesc pentru excelentele sesiuni de examene internationale Cambridge.
Prof. Serban, Partener EECentre
La EECentre colaborez cu o echipa tanara, profesionista, care s-a apropiat foarte mult de voluntari, introducandu-ne cu atentie, prietenie si caldura, in activitatile specifice examinarilor internationale Cambridge. Sa fii invigilator la EECentre este ca si cum ai face o activitate cu amicii, nicidecum un efort.
Elev A. L. CIHO, 18 ani, Voluntar
Ma bucur ca am inceput colaborarea cu acest grup entuziast de profesionisti. Multumesc pentru promptitudinea si amabilitatea cu care raspundeti solicitarilor.
Prof. D. Postolachi, Partener EECentre
Datorita echipei de profesionisti EECentre, nu doar noi profesorii ne-am familiarizat cu standardele europene, ci si elevii experimenteaza ce inseamna testarea si atestarea competentelor lingvistice, la nivel international. Apreciez profesionalismul, rigurozitatea si seriozitatea echipei EECentre in organizarea examenelor Cambridge. Detinerea unui certificat Cambridge valideaza cunostintele detinute de candidat la nivel international, fapt ce aduce un plus la imaginea si prestigiul institutiei noastre, confirmand pregatirea elevilor nostri in conformitate cu exigentele sec. XXI. Colaborarea cu EECentre este un real castig atat pe plan personal, cat si profesional.
Dna. Prof. N. Nechita, Reprezentant Liceul de Arte „Margareta Sterian”, Buzau

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Program de Lucru: 09:00 - 18:00 | Luni - Vineri
EECentre – Bucuresti, Romania
Str. Sfintii Voievozi, Nr. 65, Cladirea JUPITER HOUSE (parter) Sector 1, Bucuresti, 010965, Romania
EECentre – Deva, Romania
Strada Vanatorilor, Nr. 1, oras Deva Judet Hunedoara, 330041, Romania
EECentre - Chisinau, Rep. Moldova
Strada Vlaicu Parcalab, Nr. 52A, Chisinau, MD-2012, Republica Moldova

Telefon: +40374.995.903
Orar: Luni-Vineri | 09:00-18:00

Email: contact@eecentre.ro
Orar: Luni-Vineri | 09:00-18:00